Wednesday, March 21, 2012


[off caps]
salam alaik. peace be upon you and greetings.

aku kenal seorang doktor muda nie. pompuan. shes a drug abuser. aku kenal dia dgn baik. dan aku pasti aku kenal dia. surely.
kau tahu kan bila seorang tue drug abuser ubat die hanya dua (okey bljar phama jap) satu drug utk bhenti satu lagi drug yg die ketagih laa. sampai skrg she didnt find yet any replace drug to treat her addiction.

n she'll cry, hard when shes addicted. she try to but failed. all is left is cried and fall asleep.
kau tahu, theres specific time for her addiction to come. alhamdulillah die dianugerahkan sedikit kekuatan utk ttp kuat dlm satu jangka masa yg x singkat x panjg. so boleh kata yg addiction dia dlm fasa control-able la kan. tp ttp addiction ada.

kau tahu wen her addiction came? its wens shes nearly gave up. initially, she cry.
then, she endure it by crying. and then she hid it by crying again. wen times pass she burst. she cried hard. time nie, the only antidote is THE DRUG (ok, tarik nafas n jgn emo. selawat byk2)

kau tahu the drug is actually so sweet. i suke.

kau tahu, knp die addicted? aku pun xtahu.
yg pasti krn hidup itu satu ujian. atas dan bawah. turun dan naik.
aku yakin firasat aku addiction dia krn dia rasa futur.
futur tue putus asa. kan kbykn penagih nie org yg dah putus asa dgn nikmat hidup.
futur die krn penat. penat beljar medik. penat mjaga hubungn dgn manusia. penat mjaga hubungan dgn Allah. maka dia cr jalan penyelesaian dgn take drug. plus ada yg sudi supply.

kau mesti nk aku report kat polis kan supplier tue. berat tau hukuman supplier. lebih berat dr penagih. MANDATORI. HUKUM GANGTUNG. xtahu laa sampai mati ker tak...

aku x sampai hati, sbb supplier die mak ayah dier. terkejut kan. aku pom.
drug yg dia ambik pom antara drug yg very the kaya jer laa boleh beli
n also drug tue antara control drug. maksudnya bukan boleh kluarkan senang2 sbb takut increase cases of resistance ker. faham la kot maksud control drug.

aku rasa mostly org kaya take drug. challenge me if i'm wrong. aku yakin insyallah, kalau aku jadi doc. community medicine conthnya, kalau aku buat survey, aku yakin kalau aku present this as my thesis plak, aku yakin insyallah benar kata aku org kaya almost all take drug and my thesis will be accepted.

antum antunna tahu knapa?

sbb mereka kaya IMAN dan TAKWA
sbb she's had IMAN N TAKWA
sbb the supplier IS THEIR BELOVED
sbb the cause is FUTUR N PENAT.
sbb the addiction is LOVE
sbb the drug is ONLY WORD. FEW WORDS.

but it works like magic. same as how penicillin work, saving thousand of soldiers in world war I.
tp one things drug nie lack tat differ from drug tat man made, die xde side effect. PERFECT. kau tahu kan siapa yg boleh buat sesuatu yg perfect. mestilah the perfect creator. and its ONLY ALLAH.

sbb kite diciptakan didunia utk bekerja sbb tue kite penat sbb tmpt rehat adalah syurga
sbb tue Allah ciptakan penawar bg semua hamba2nya yg penat.
"anytime u feel tired of studying medic feel free to call mom...^_^"

get the DRUG!!!!

psttt: sbb tue aku kata the drug is so sweet. n i like. ^_~

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