Sunday, April 24, 2011

nombor nombor nombor

Dear miss diaries and mr.bloggers

Electrolyte and water balance. Looking back while I was doing my daily reading mostly today I came to realize, I hate fact. I hate something without logic and I must know the reason first why. I also hate it when people give me non logic reason. And to more worst I hate people who lied and I pray that I didn’t had to lie because people must hate it too. When I found that why Allah creates this and that, just then I can take it as a lesson n remember it, insyallah always.

Electrolyte and water balance was something full of new information. Something new, although it is much easier than in the high school which we got to memorized the whole experiment, the word definition and etc. Just new fact with nothing to explode my head still maybe because it is full of fact and numbers and I came to leave it behind to read it as the last. How I am supposed to remember all of this numbers when, I must know them just as fact. Yeah, sometimes we do need to take something as fact because there is no reason of knowing in behind it. As I finished reading others I came to come to this fact again. If u think I hate numbers, I love learning addmath(tapi dah bkarat dah). Sometimes, I hate this part of my thinking and sometimes it does me good. Part of must knowing all. If u think I was just making havoc then why don’t u tell me how can I memorized how much water output in urine, skin, lung and feces? Plus with the numbers for input and numbers for different body compartment. Numbers. Sigh.

[The heart is doing the talk]

Dear our little doctor, you know that you have leaving this part behind and for you to read as last one right? Have you haven’t heard of a phrase, ‘save the best for the last’ and we didn’t say it ‘save the last for the best’. Saving the best was just like what u’re doing. You came to the topic and leave it to read last. Know what it is because u wanna read it by ur heart and u wanna give ur precious time to it, memorizing it. So to give your precious time to it must be something you care of (the best).

While, saving the last for the best is you are reading all through it (didn’t skip it) and came to the last part of the book, you save it for your precious sweet ending.


The best for the last= precious part (the part itself) for a precious ending. Its ends with precious story with a precious part. ^_^

The last for the best= it just for a precious ending the last part itself didn’t precious you but because it was the last, it’s the precious of the entire story in the book. If the ending goes well the story was precious.

Dear our little doctor, you treasured the part as the most precious and so why can’t you memorized and know them by your heart(me) when I myself know you really giving your best for this part. Finally from me, eat well, sleep well, read well, study well and remember Allah is always by your side, the side of people who patiently struggle and work hard for the best. If your brain can’t remember it, then that’s because you must pray to the Owner. Bdoalah dan mintak dari Allah kemudahan kefahaman dan kekuatan ingatan.

“dan setiap orang memperoleh tingkatan sesuai dengan apa yang telah mereka kerjakan, dan agar Allah mencukupkan balasan perbuatan mereka, dan mereka tidak dirugikan.” (46:19)

“dan sesungguhnya usahanya itu kelak akan diperlihatkan (kepedanya). ”

“dan kemudian akan diberi balasan kpdnya dengan balasan yang paling sempurna” (53:40,41)

Lantas my little doctor do you think what Allah see is result? No. what Allah see is your fight not the result. Berusalah sebab Allah sdg melihat mu(beruntung saat semua manusia sdg berebut mndptkan pandangan Allah). BERUSAHA FIGHTING!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011



Waktu dhuha ini,

sentuhan cinta Allah dtg,

Bila ia tiba, ia tidak masuk 

Namun, cukup utk mengetuk

daun pintu jiwa insani


x bermalam tp persinggahan

persinggahan yg dalam

hati, hari nie, hujan turun

x lebat tp bukan sikit

adakah ia tahu ia turun pada waktu

embum pagi juga kluar

tidak! Ia tidak tahu. langsung tidak tahu!

tapi Allah Maha Tahu

hati, aku tfikir…

adkah awan sdg bsedih?

aku teringat kamu, kamu juga sedih

adakah ini email cinta dr Allah?

Adakah ini penghibur mu hati?

Juga hati2 hambanya laen?

Jika awan menangis , pasti kejap lagi

Ia sudah tinggal esak

Kerana aku lihat, ia x selalu menangis lama

Kadang, ada pelangi menanti pula

Itu email dr Allah utk mu…hati

Duhai hati, usah bsedih,


Selpas awan menangis juga ada kegembiraan

Pasti utkmu juga hati…

Duhai hati,

Senyumlah yg dinantikan oleh embun pagi

Senyuman dalam bermakna

Senyuman sang perindu

“lihat kau sudah tsenyum!”

Duhai hati, kadg2

Hujan itu belum henti2 lagi

Awan menangis dan terus menangis

Hgg tangisannya disambung duka

Namun itu jarang skali

Kamu juga hati, usah menangis lagi

Bimbang nanti bukan pelangi yg tiba, tp bala

Alam yg merana

Duhai hati, usah bersedih

Dgn izinNya embun pagi ini bukan yg ke2

Tapi pertama, yg dinantikan senyuman

Moga ia lembab disinari mentari berpelangi

Duhai hati,

Lihatlah alam

Lihat sekitarmu,

Ada hiburan dari Pemilik Hiburan

betapa uniknya cara Allah

menghiburkanmu hati…

redup tapi berbunga

basah tapi renyai

sayu tapi nipis

sedikit tapi nikmat

buruk tapi cantik

sedih tapi gembira

ia bukan benci tapi cinta

bukan dongengan tapi

kisah cinta.

sang awan dan pelangi.