Wednesday, July 6, 2011

whisPeR Of ThE hEaRt


I cant wait to tell about my study leaves all along in the hostel. Yes hostel but perhaps u know little heart its full of happiness!!! Yay!!! It teach me many things and it’s a place for the brave 1st step I took in my long phases of learning. I tell u later about the hostel. Let me tell u 1st the days.

We were given 3days leave before practical exam and another 3days for the MCQ. Its not a long study week for examination. Time will never be ENOUGH!!! But I was the one responsible to go beyond the time not waiting and after it. RUN BEFORE TIME!!!! even so, time still is not enough! Fuuuh… so when the day came for pract exam, I was very afraid. I stayed silently deep in my heart. Try to talk with u or any chance that u heard me already? Naah…even yes I’m telling you.

I prayed to Allah and I prayed deep in my heart

“oh mom dad do pray for me at home…mom and dad will always pray for me. So that’s why I need to do the best and never give up till the end….”, I break br

oke and was broken once back there. I was really sad and afraid of the exam…why must i? I don’t know but burst …

flashing back to my old high school days. My form 1, I brok

e to my 1st sister, form 2 I burst to my mom and the rest is history… so even back there I break, broke and was broken but… with mom and kayon! Here in this far far away land, I’m longing for them and my loves.

But you know what little heart,

what is special in islam is Allah is the Only Lord. I have Him back there, now and for ever. He who made me strong and stronger. He inspired me to take the Quran and recite. Oh my Lord, do calm my heart, do give me strength always and everytime I feel week… then I recite the Quran. Finally I said my prayer, “oh Allah do show me the ayat which can give me strength…pliz ya Allah” with my heart begging only to Him I open the closed Quran and said “I’ll read the 3rd ayat on th right

pages…with the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful…”

[barangsiapa menghendaki kehidupan dunia dan perh

iasannya, pasti Kami Berikan balasan penuh atas pekerjaan mereka di dunia dengan sempurna dan mereka di dunia tidak dirugikan. Itulah orang-orang yang tidak memperoleh sesuatu di akhirat kecuali neraka, dan sia-sialah disana apa yang telah mereka usahakan di dunia dan terhapuslah apa yang telah mereka kerjakan. AL-HUD:15,16]

Again I was break.

Allah u send me a great ayat. Pliz accept my repent. Apologize me for taking life as dunia. Allah make me strong and stronger, help me in my examination tomorrow for my examination fil akhirat ya rabbi…thank you Allah for whatever it be I know now its not for the dunia its just a bonus but the redha from u I seek for akhirat.

“after I work and strive, only to You I rely…ya Rabbi ”

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